Up | Example 01 - ComboBox | Example 02 - ListBox | Example 03 - Labels class derived from Winforms.Panel | Example 04 - Button with Resize Event | Example 05 - CheckBox | Example 06 - GroupBox | Example 07 - Modeless Status Dialog | Example 08 -Timer | Example 09 -TextBox | Example 10 - Custom Button Class | Example 11 - Product Selection ComboBox | Example 12 - Simple ListView



Example 12 - Simple ListView
The example defines a usage of a ListView to display distances in an identification application.

 def CreateProductListView():

  import CLR
  import CLR.System.Windows.Forms as WinForms
  from CLR.System.Drawing import Size, Point, ContentAlignment,Rectangle,Bitmap

  # Load custom assemblies
  from CLR.System.Reflection import Assembly

  from CLR.Tordivel import OverlayPanel

  class ProductListView(WinForms.ListView):

    def __init__(self):

      # This enables the panel to follow resizing of the parent
      self.Dock = WinForms.DockStyle.None

      true = 1
      # Set the view to show details.
      self.View = WinForms.View.Details;
      # Allow the user to edit item text.
      self.LabelEdit = 0;
      # Allow the user to rearrange columns.
      self.AllowColumnReorder = 0;
      # Display check boxes.
      self.CheckBoxes = 0;
      # Select the item and subitems when selection is made.
      self.FullRowSelect = true;
      # Display grid lines.
      self.GridLines = true;
      # Sort the items in the list in ascending order.
      self.Sorting = WinForms.SortOrder.Ascending;

      # Create columns for the items and subitems.
      self.Columns.Add("Distance", 100, WinForms.HorizontalAlignment.Center);
      self.Columns.Add("Type", 100, WinForms.HorizontalAlignment.Left);
      self.Columns.Add("Long", 100, WinForms.HorizontalAlignment.Center);
      self.Columns.Add("Right", 99, WinForms.HorizontalAlignment.Center);
      self.Columns.Add("Left", 99, WinForms.HorizontalAlignment.Center);

    def Clear(self):

    def AddProduct(self,products):
      item = WinForms.ListViewItem(products);
      print products

  return ProductListView()

Example 1: Add Products to ListView

  def distance(self,dictionary,key,left,right,long):

      def padspaces(d):
        if d < 10:
          return '000'+str(int(d))
        if d < 100:
          return '00'+str(int(d))
        if d < 1000:
          return '0'+str(int(d))
        else :
          return str(int(d))

      dict = dictionary[key]
      d = abs(dict['right']-right)+abs(dict['left']-left)+abs(dict['long']-long)
      return d



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